Tag Archives: Shared Responsibility

Contrary to popular belief and what is often portrayed in movies, the IRS isn’t always the bad guy. If you aren’t able to pay the full amount you owe in taxes, the IRS will make arrangements to make repayment easier. Though you should be aware that back taxes or past due amounts will reduce your […]

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This year, you should be aware of the Individual Shared Responsibility Provision of the Affordable Care Act, especially when you file your tax return. This provision requires every taxpayer to be covered by a qualifying health care plan every month of the tax year, unless they qualify for a coverage exemption. You also have the […]

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The Affordable Care Act requires everyone to have health insurance, or face a penalty at tax time. There are some situations in which a person can be exempt from the penalty. Individuals who believe they qualify for a hardship exemption or a pre-defined exemption need to fill out Form 8965 (Health Coverage Exemptions) and file […]

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Before you file your 2014 federal taxes, you should be aware of how the Affordable Care Act will impact your return. Depending on if you have health care coverage and where you received it from, you may notice a larger impact this tax season. Many taxpayers have healthcare coverage through their employers, government provided plans […]

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