You can't include in medical expenses amounts you pay for funerals.
There are many deductible medical expenses. The following is a brief list of examples:
Payments of fees to a variety of doctors, including dentists, surgeons, chiropractors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and nontraditional medical practitioners
Payments for in-patient hospital care or nursing home services, including the expense of meals and lodging charged by a medical facility or nursing home
Payments for acupuncture treatments or inpatient treatment at a center for alcohol or drug addiction, for involvement in a smoking-cessation program and for drugs to ease nicotine withdrawal , provided they require a prescription
Payments to be involved in a weight-loss program for a particular disease or diseases diagnosed with a physician, including obesity, however, not ordinarily payments for diet food items or the payment of health club dues
Payments for insulin and payments for prescription drugs
Payments made for admission and transportation to a medical conference associated with a chronic disease that you, your partner or your dependents have (if the expense are primarily for and important to necessitated medical care). However, you may not deduct the expense for meals and lodging while attending the medical conference
Payments for false teeth, reading or prescription eyeglasses or contacts, hearing aids, crutches, wheelchairs, and for guide dogs for the blind or deaf
Payments for transportation primarily for and important to medical care that qualify as medical expenses, such as payments of the particular fare for a taxi, bus, train, ambulance, and for medical transportation by personal car, the total amount of your actual out-of-pocket expenses such as for gas and oil, or the total amount of the typical mileage rate for medical expenses, plus the expense of tolls and parking fees
Payments for insurance premiums you taken care of policies that cover medical care and for a qualified long-term care insurance plan covering qualified long-term care services. However, if you are a member of staff, don't include in medical expenses the portion of your premiums treated as paid by your employer under its sponsored group insurance, health policy or qualified long-term care insurance policy. Also, don't range from the premiums that you paid under your employer-sponsored policy under reduced conversion policy (pre-tax), paid by an employer-sponsored medical insurance plan (cafeteria plan) or any other medical and dental expenses unless the premiums are a part of box 1 of your Form W-2. For example, if you are a federal employee participating in the premium conversion program of the Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) program, you may not range from the premiums taken care of the policy as a medical expense as they are never a part of your gross income.